To celebrate the opening of the exhibition Forest of Dreams: Ainu and Native American Woodcarving, join us as artists from both cultures demonstrate traditional carving techniques at the Cultural Corner of the Garden’s Japanese Arts Learning Center. Gain a deeper appreciation for these vibrant cultures and the artistry on display in the Garden’s Pavilion and Tanabe Galleries as the artists work and answer questions about their practice.
Chinook artist Greg A. Robinson and Ainu artist Mamoru Kaizawa are the creators of the Power Boards commissioned by the Garden and installed on the City Overlook for the duration of this exhibition. Their work is also on display in the exhibition being shown in the Tanabe and Pavilion Galleries.

Mamoru Kaizawa, woodcarver in the Ainu craft village of Nibutani in Hokkaido, will carve inaw, or sacred shaved sticks that are traditionally used to convey prayers to the gods.
Greg A. Robinson, a largely self-taught Chinook artist who has works in the collection of the Portland Art Museum, as well as public art on display at many locations including the Tilikum Bridge, will demonstrate his technique on a work in progress.
For a list of all upcoming special events commemorating the opening weekend of the Forest of Dreams exhibition, please refer to this agenda of Opening Weekend Events.