Media Alert
October 14 – December 3, 2017
Portland Japanese Garden Presents Mirrors of the Mind: The Noh Masks of Ohtsuki Kokun
Noh Theater and its enigmatic carved masks have captivated audiences since the 14th Century. Master carver Ohtsuki Kokun of Kyoto continues the tradition, bringing static wood to life with otherworldly emotion. Thirty of Kokun’s Noh masks, a selection of authentic brocade costumes, and two performances bring the elegant world of Noh to the Portland Japanese Garden.

Noh Events
Saturday, October 14, 5-6:30pm – Noh on Stage: Walking with Spirits (afternoon performance)
Featuring Noh Actor Kawamura Haruhisa of Kawamura Nohgakudo, Kyoto
Saturday, October 14, 7:30-9pm – Noh on Stage: Walking with Spirits (evening Performance)
Featuring Noh Actor Kawamura Haruhisa of Kawamura Nohgakudo, Kyoto
Sunday, October 15, 5-6:30pm – Noh Lecture & Mask Carving Demonstration
Visuals: Mr. Ohtsuki will be coming from Japan for the carving demonstration and is available for interviews. The Garden is bringing four Noh actors from Japan. Three are recognized by UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage designation of Nohgaku.
Mirrors of the Mind runs through Sunday, December 3, 2017.
The exhibition itself (included with Garden admission) will be held in the Pavilion Gallery and the new Tanabe gallery, part of the Garden’s recent $33.5 million expansion designed by Kengo Kuma.
Learn more about the exhibition here.
Media Contact: Erica Heartquist 503.542.9339