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Ikebana Display Presented by Saga Goryu School of Ikebana

Saga Goryu Ikebana North America Chapter presents Tomo 友 (Friend) at Portland Japanese Garden from April 5-8, 2023. A single large mukaebana (welcome arrangement) will be placed in the Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin Tateuchi Foundation Courtyard in the Cultural Village. Inspired by the theme of tomo, it invites visitors to approach and connect with the arrangement from multiple viewpoints. Logs, stone, pear, pine, and flowers come together and stand apart, interpreting tomo in ways both personal and universal.

Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, has been translated as “living flowers” or “the way of flowers.” This artform dates back to the sixth century when China and Korea introduced Buddhism to Japan. Floral offerings, known as kuge, were placed on the altar of temples. For this year’s arrangement, Saga Goryu North America Chapter takes inspiration from the annual theme or odai word of 2023, “tomo.” The odai word is a tradition in Japan in which a single character or theme is chosen by the Imperial Household for national reflection.

The Saga Goryu School, headquartered at Daikakuji Temple in Kyoto, was founded more than 1,200 years ago by Emperor Saga. It continues to draw on its traditional philosophical and spiritual foundations to interpret the modern world through floral artistry.