Today, Friday July 8, marks the conclusion of our regular updates on the state of our irises. While some have started to remind us of their fleeting beauty there are still some yet to blossom, so make sure to visit while they’re still adorning our Zig-Zag Bridge in their lovely purple hues. Better yet, become a member and rediscover the beauty of the Garden with each visit.
Friday, July 8
As with the camellias of winter and cherry blossoms of spring, the iris blooms of summer are one of Portland Japanese Garden’s most anticipated times of year. Irises have a presence in the Strolling Pond Garden since 1967 when Kinya Hira, Garden Director from 1964 to 1969, planted them there. The irises of Portland Japanese Garden tend to bloom in late June, just as it officially becomes summer. They have historically been used as a bellwether for seasonal change in their native Japan as well. It is believed that in pre-modern Japan, farmers would plant wild irises aside their rice fields because their blooming occurred as the rainy season began. Farmers would then transplant rice plants from seed beds into fields.
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Sorrel in the Entry Garden Mock orange in the Entry Garden Stewartia in the Entry Garden Hosta in the Entry Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Natural Garden Azalea in the Natural Garden
There are many other beautiful flowers blooming in Portland Japanese Garden, including azalea, stewartia, and laurel.
Japanese Gardens Highlight Green Rather Than Flowers
A junco rests on a mossy rock in the Strolling Pond Garden.
Summertime in Portland Japanese Garden provides the opportunity to be embraced by lush verdant hues. All the many shades and textures of green shining in sunlight and bending in breeze remind one that the Garden is not an arrangement of static objects but rather an expertly maintained, living expression of nature.
Of course, the moss, leaves, ferns, and grass are complimented with pops of brightly colored flowers. Unlike Western gardens where flowers can dominate the field of vision, Japanese gardens very intentionally choose where blooms will be located and how they will intermingle with an otherwise green tableau.
Thursday, July 7
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Hosta in the Entry Garden ahead of the Antique Gate Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Tea Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Garden Stewartia about to bloom in the Cultural Village Stewartia in the Cultural Village Mock orange in the Entry Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea ahead of the Stag Lantern and Pavilion Azalea on the East Veranda aside the Pavilion Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden
Wednesday, July 6
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Stewartia in the Cultural Village Stewartia in the Cultural Village Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Flat Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Azalea in front of the Pavilion Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea just past the Nezu Gate Azalea in the Entry Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden Hosta in the Entry Garden in front of the Antique Gate Mock orange in the Entry Garden
Tuesday, July 5
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Stewartia in the Cultural Village Stewartia in the Entry Garden Stewartia in the Entry Garden Azalea on the East Veranda near the Pavilion Azalea in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Entry Garden Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Laurel in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden A lone camellia blossom in the Flat Garden Stachys in the Entry Garden Mock orange in the Entry Garden
Friday, July 1
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Rhododendron in the Strolling Pond Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Tea Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Flat Garden Mock orange in the Entry Garden Azalea in the Entry Garden Stewartia in the Entry Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Stewartia in the Entry Garden Stewartia in the Entry Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden
Thursday, June 30
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Natural Garden Azalea in the Flat Garden Azalea just past the Nezu Gate Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Azalea in the Entry Garden Mock orange in the Entry Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Stewartia in the Entry Garden
Wednesday, June 29
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Azalea near the Antique Gate in the Entry Garden Stewartia in the Entry Garden Stewartia in the Entry Garden Laurel in the Tea Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea ahead of the Iyo Stone and weeping cherry tree in the Flat Garden Azalea ahead of the stairs leading away from the Sand and Stone Garden Rhododendron in the Natural Garden Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden
Tuesday, June 28
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Azalea in the Tea Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea underneath maple in the Flat Garden Laurel on the East Veranda of the Pavilion Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea ahead of the Sand and Stone Garden Azalea next to the snow viewing lantern in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Azalea ahead of the Nezu Gate Laurel in the Flat Garden A lone camellia bloom in the Flat Garden
Monday, June 27
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea in the Entry Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Tea Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden
Friday, June 24
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Salal next to the Umami Café Laurel in the Flat Garden Azalea next to the Stag Lantern, near the Pavilion Laurel on the East Veranda aside the Pavilion Azalea in the Natural Garden Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Tea Garden Azalea just past the Nezu Gate Buttercup in the Entry Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace
Thursday, June 23
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden Azalea in the Tea Garden Laurel in the Strolling Pond Garden Rhododendron in the Tea Garden Buttercups in the Entry Garden Thimbleberry in the Entry Garden Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Laurel in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Flat Garden Dogwood in the Flat Garden A closer look at the flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden
Wednesday, June 22
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Azalea bonsai in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace A closer look at the Satsuki Azalea in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace A closer look at the Satsuki Azalea ‘Toyo’ in the Ellie M. Hill Bonsai Terrace Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden. A closer look at the flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Flat Garden Thimbleberry in the Entry Garden Laurel in the Flat Garden Azalea in the Strolling Pond Garden
Tuesday, June 21
Other Garden Flowers Currently in Bloom
Laurel blooms in the Flat Garden. Azaleas in the Flat Garden. A thimbleberry in the Entry Garden. Azaleas with the Pavilion in the background. Flowering dogwood in the Flat Garden. Azaleas in the Flat Garden.