We’d like to remind all our members and donors to the Garden that your contributions qualify you to take advantage of the Oregon Cultural Trust tax-credit program. In addition to the tax deduction you may take for contributing to Portland Japanese Garden, by making a matching gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust before December 31 you can receive a credit on your 2017 Oregon State Income Tax in the amount of your gift to the OCT (up to $500 for individuals; $1,000 for couples filing jointly, $2,500 for corporations). This means that the amount of your OCT contribution comes directly back to you as either a tax refund or a reduction to your tax bill.
As you continue to support Portland Japanese Garden with you generous contributions, we hope you’ll also participate in giving to the Oregon Cultural Trust to increase the impact of your gift. More information on this tax credit opportunity is available at culturaltrust.org. And if you’ve not yet made your year-end contribution to the Garden, we hope you will do so today by clicking here. Thank you!